Invest in your body and achieve life-changing results with Andrea Croci’s holistic methods.

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Are you a woman over 30’s with constant pain and no solution?

Are you tired to hear medical professionals telling you to rest?

Are you unable to understand why you are constantly binging from diet to diet, and from an exercises program to another without lasting results?

Are you tired of being prescribed medications with an A4 list of side effects?

Tired woman

If you answered “Yes” to even one of those questions you are on the right website!

We all seek pain relief, especially after the age of 30 we tend to have more aches and pains. Some are due to our past injuries and others can occur with work or daily routines we have, such as cleaning.

Most of us have probably already sought pain relief in form of physio or from a chiropractor and even medication but with no permanent solution we keep going in circles and end up with the same pains and stiffness, with potentially worse symptoms. We all lead busy lives and therefore take our bodies for granted most of the time but if we don’t invest time and energy into our own bodies we cannot expect our bodies to work at the best of our ability in the future. Whether it is back pain, knee pain, or one of the many other pains we get with age, there is a way of finding relief.

First I would say to seek advice from your doctor and diagnose the issue correctly and get a treatment plan before proceeding with other professionals like Andrea Croci. As it happens with medical care, this would have to be a lifestyle change and can include pilates, meditation, acupuncture, a good sleep routine, exercise and to have a balanced diet, such as eating a good variety of fruits and vegetables with the knowledge of what your bodies need the most. As everyone’s body has different needs, it would be an advantage to know what your body lacks, such as someone with anemia, your diet would be richer in iron and vitamin C, which helps iron absorption.

The basic diet would include the following 7 essential factors:

1. Carbohydrates

2. Protein

3. Fibre

4. Fats

5. Minerals

6. Vitamins

7. Most important water

Did you know… Keeping a well-balanced diet can provide you with a burst of energy throughout the day, gives you the nutrients for growth and repair and of course keeps you healthy, strong, and with noticeably less illnesses.

Plant based food

With all this in place, we can still come across a variety of pains, and for this, you could use a holistic approach, which requires achieving pain relief with natural and holistic methods. Of course, with all treatments, there are realistic expectations and is more about managing the pain for the long term. This will require you to be patient with the process and yourself, but with perseverance and the right mindset you can achieve life-changing results.

Find the help you need.

At heal with intention (hwi) the therapist Andrea Croci has been helping women like you, live a full life where pain doesn’t limit your day-to-day life, without having to compromise with your family about weekend activity due to your constant pain, or even worse, having to go through excruciating pain in silence to be able to spend time with your family.

The HWI Programme, Croci will help you get the results you need and want in a fraction of the time you would via the NHS.

HWI one has an initial investment of £256.00 whilst
HWI two investment is £384.00

Andrea Croci massage therapist and heal coach

But compared to NHS rehabilitation services, with the HWI package you will be seen, supported, and guided by Andrea himself throughout a 3 months journey that will help you improve how to relived, manage, and prevent chronic pain. Moreover, you will get valuable information and guidance around other vital topics like increasing your energy levels via nutrition, getting back to a minimum level of physical activity, how to improve your sleep, and how to manage stressful seasons via meditation.

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